I have a constrained Optimization problem:
Decision variables:
Xih = Amount of item i in item group h . Xih is a real number.
Aih = Cost of item i in item group h
Cihj = property j of item i (in each unit) in item group h.
Bj = Minimum total property j.
Dj = Maximum total property j.
mih = Minimum of Xih
Mih = Maximum of Xih
Problem Formulation:
Min/Max z1= ∑h ∑i Aih Xih
Bj ≤ ∑h∑i Cihj * Xih ≤Dj
where j is number of properties of items
mih ≤ Xih ≤ Mih
So, how do formulate this problem if I need only N elements from a group
something like
OR(X1h , X2h , X3h) == 1
OR(X1h , X2h , X3h) == 2 etc.
means can I constraint number of items in each group.