There is a serious problem about the authors of a recent publication of my reasearch team. Wrong authors have been automatically registred in ResearchGate : Angelo Castrorao Barba, Pilar Diante-Blasco, Manuel Castro-Priegi, Giuseppe Bazan, etc...

I removed these wrong names yesterday, and I put the correct names as in the following reference:

LE VOT, T.; COHEN, M.; NOWAK, M.; PASSY, P.; SUMERA, F. 2024. Resilience of Terraced Landscapes to Human and Natural Impacts: A GIS-Based Reconstruction of Land Use Evolution in a Mediterranean Mountain Valley. Land 2024, Special issue Resilience of Historical Landscapes, 13, 592.

Unfortunately the error is remaining in your database, and I received this morning a mail referring this paper as written by Castrorao et al. (see joined image). This error is only found in the ResearhGate system, the Doi number is correct, the reference has been saved correcty in the Hal-cnrs system (hal-04566042, version 1), with my ORCID number ( and on the Google scholar website.

On the Google website, wrong references from ResearchGate are mixed with the correct reference by MDPI, the errors refer to the name of the authors and to the title.

Please, could you solve this problem urgently, delete these wrong references in your system, and change the number of reads and recommandations to my account ?

Thank you in advance

Marianne Cohen and co-authors

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