>> size(output_data(1:L-1,:))

ans =

3359 1

>> size(U1)

ans =

1000 1


>> output_data(1:L-1,:) * U1;

Error using *

Inner matrix dimensions must agree.

% Load experimental input-output data


input_data = input;

output_data = Output2;

% Define the number of inputs and outputs

num_inputs = 1;

num_outputs = 1;

% Define the order of the model

n = 2; % number of states

m = 1; % number of inputs

p = 1; % number of outputs

% Construct the Hankel matrix

L = 1000; % number of rows in the Hankel matrix

H = hankel(input_data(1:L), input_data(L:end));

% Apply the least squares method to estimate the model parameters

[U,S,V] = svd(H, 'econ');

U1 = U(:, 1:n);

U2 = U(:, n+1:end);

S1 = S(1:n, 1:n);

S2 = S(n+1:end, n+1:end);

V1 = V(:, 1:n);

V2 = V(:, n+1:end);

Ahat = U2 * pinv(S2) * V2' * output_data(1:L-1,:) * U1;

% compute Ahat

Ahat = U2 * pinv(S2) * V2' * output_data(1:L-1,:) * U1';

%Ahat = U2*S2^(-1/2)*V2'*U1'*output_data(1:L-1)';

Bhat = U2*S2^(1/2)*V2(1:num_inputs, :)';

Chat = output_data(1:p)*Bhat*S2^(-1/2)*V2(:, 1:p)';

Dhat = output_data(1:p)*Bhat*S2^(1/2)*V2(1:num_inputs, 1:p);

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