Hello community,

I'm trying to simulate cracks with cohesive elements (in Abaqus), but I would like to reproduce reality as much as possible. Therefore, I would first like to have elastic behavior after which plasticity comes which brings plastic strain. Then after some accumulated plastic strain, I would like an opening of cohesive elements like a formation of a crack.

I've started examining this case with perfect plasticity or with a slight hardening, I've also tried with proper hardening but can not get a cohesive zone. All dissipation goes in plastic flow.

Do you have any advice on what to do to get first some plastic flow (like in reality) and the formation of the cohesive zone that finally breaks like a genuine crack?

Material is steel:

E: 200000 Poisson: 0.3

Plasticity starts at 250 (perfect plasticity)

Cohesive zone_ Traction separation law

Elastic properties 6000000, 6000000, 6000000

Damage int: ????

Damage evolution0.0001

With Damage Initiation, I was trying different things 250 like where plasticity starts, or with hardening, and then put initiation on 251 or 255 and different combinations. Nothing works.

Thanks a lot in advance,


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