How we can calculate K1 value from J - integral result from abaqus?.
K1 value directly from abaqus is reliable? Because its crack initiation criterion is Max tangential stress, Max energy release rate and KII= 0. Which criterion will give correct results? Its depends on problem we handle. Thats I know. But if no value is available for crack initiation criterion ( Also, I introduce crack initially. So its invalid as crack initiation criterion - As of my understanding)
So, K1 value from J integral will give correct results.( I think so). But how we can get K1 value from that?
In fracture mechanics book G=GI+GII
GI= alpha*KI^2/E
GII = alpha*KII^2/E
alpha = 1 , plane stress
alpha = 1-nu^2, plane strain
nu = Poisson's ratio
G can take it as J - Integral?
If we take so, what will be KII?
Also, Critical J-Integral is same as fracture energy of a material?