I tried to extract the pore water from sediment by centrifugation at 2600 RPM for 20 minutes, but unable to extract. please suggest me whether I am working correctly.
That is not the way to go. You may have to heat your sample for a while to 120-150-200 degrees C to get rid of the water, and even that may not remove it completely, depending on your material. But unless high temp will damage/alter the sample, I'd try that. Normally you'd heat and re-weigh the solid until you reach a constant value. If high temp is a problem, prolonged vacuum desiccation (of a finely divided sample, preferably) is an option.
Hi Preeti, as I need to extract pore water from sediments for a few analyses, I was wondering if you could tell me what sediment type you used, how much (volume or mass) you used, and how much pore water you were able to extract by centrifuging. Also, could you tell me for how long and the speed you used? Many thanks in advance.
Would it be possible to extract the porewater from a compacted column (lets say hydraulic conductivity in the order of 1e^-10 m/2) made of clayey material using centrifugation?