08 March 2014 17 260 Report

Adaptive control, as a standard control methodology, has been extensively studied. One interesting feature of adaptive control is that even if the estimated parameter does not converge to the true value, stability and convergence of the closed-loop system are still ensured, e.g., the tracking/regulation error converges to zero.

There is one time when the robustness of the adaptive control bothers the control community. This problem later motivates various robust adaptive algorithms, e.g., sigma-modification, parameter projection and dead-zone technique. Up to this stage, it seems that robustness, stability and convergence of adaptive control scheme reaches a satisfactory level in the theoretical sense.

Yet, in practice, the non-convergence of the parameter estimation error, decreases the confidence of the engineers in using adaptive control. The engineers and designers may say that they have not enough confidence since they do not know where the estimated parameter is, and just knowing that it is bounded is far beyond enough. They are afraid that the estimated parameter converges to some unexpected position due to the external disturbances or the measurement noises, which may become a disaster.

Personally, I somewhat agree with their concerns. Yet, I wonder whether there is an effective way to conquer this problem.

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