Here's a paper on neutral red we've copied, it works reasonably well (on mixed zooplankton assmblages).
Article Simple staining method for differentiating live and dead mar...
A long time ago I used methylene blue as a mortal stain on phytoplankton but I can't remember the reference I used or the concentrations. I wonder if combining both might be worth investigating?
Maria, you might want to check out Horvath and Lamberti. 1999. Freshwater Biology (42) pp. 69-72. They used neutral red to disntinguish between live and dead veligers.
Debería emplear el colorante intravital Rosa de Bengala;este colorante tiñe las cilias de las Veliger lo cual permite observar el movimiento ciliar.Al emplear este colorante debe usarse en pequeñísimas cantidades,pero muy poquita cantidad,porque es un colorante muy poderoso y puede enmascarar la zona a observar.