Hi, I'm working on uncertainty analysis using petrel. In the variables tab, there are base value, minimum and maximum. How to determine base value, minimum and maximum?
The analysis of the problem you are trying to resolve should give you that. In can come from statistical data analysis, the development of analogies, experience, whatever.
if sufficient wells are available, then each input reservoir parameter can be simulated using monte Carllo . Then P90,P50 and P10 can used as Min , Max Ana Base valurs. In case well controls are not sufficient, then Appropriate database (E.g.C&C, Reservoirs) to estimate these parameters.For reservoi areal extent and lateral continuity, one can use some scenarios to capture variability. For reference, you can see my publications !! Thanks
For any statistical analysis (P90,P50 and P10 values), sufficient number data points are necessary . If in real data samples are not enough, then we need to use analogs kör published literature which has very close similarity with the case under analysis!!