I have exposed a solid sample with flue gases and want to detect the amount of gases adsorbed in the sample on lab scale. Please suggest me a best method to detect the amount of these adsorbed gases on lab scale. Waiting for your kind response.
The most common method for the determination of the adsorption is the depletion method, where the change in surfactant concentration (depletion) after contact with solids is measured and assumed to be adsorbed. eudiometer is a laboratory device that measures the change in volume of a gas mixture following a physical or chemical change. The adsorption amount is calculated by subtracting the number of remaining molecules at the adsorption equilibrium from the number of introduced molecules by using the ideal gas equation. The dynamic adsorption apparatus is used in BET 1-point method and TPD/R/O. It also uses the TCD detector to detect the change in the gas concentration after going through the sample. The dynamic method can measure the adsorption amount quickly compared to other methods and is useful for the quality control. When determining surface area by volumetric gas adsorption, the quantity of gas adsorbed is measured at various pressure points. These pressure points are relative to the saturation pressure of the adsorbate where P is the pressure in the sample cell and Po is the saturation pressure of the adsorbate. The change in the amount of gas adsorbed by unit mass of a solid adsorbent is directly proportional to the change in the pressure, at a given temperature.
Prem Baboo thank you so much for your kind reply. Please share/recommend the articles or reference papers so that I could easily follow the procedure of adsorption. Waiting for your prompt response.