19 August 2018 1 9K Report

Recently, I have been used the RED system to delete the target gene in EPEC. According to the paper, the primer uesd to amplify the selectable marker (cat) is flanked by 50 bp of tir sequence.(Campellone K G, Giese N, Tipper O J, et al. A tyrosine‐phosphorylated 12‐amino‐acid sequence of enteropathogenic Escherichia coli Tir binds the host adaptor protein Nck and is required for Nck localization to actin pedestals[J]. Molecular microbiology, 2002, 43(5): 1227-1241.) Specifically, the primer provided in this paper were:


  Since I have no experience in gene deletion in EPEC, I have some confusion about the design of primers. I thought the sequence of P-tir5'KO should begin with the initiation codon of tir and cat, which were splited by Not1 site ; the reverse sequence of P-tir3'KO should be from the stop codon of tir and cat. However, there are no results when I use these sequences to blast. Therefore, I am very confused. Would someone please give me some help about the design of primer used to delete the targeted genes?

  Thanks very much.

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