Keypoint ORIENTAION Angle or Layup
59 [-65, 5, 5, 0, -65, 85, 90, -30, -30, -30, 60]
67 [5, -65, 0, -65, 90, -90, -50]
71 [-75, -75, 65, 0, 0, -65]
76 [-5, 70, 15, -60, -5, -5, -80, -80, -5, 65, 0, 5, -65]
82 [ -10, -10, 80, 15, 15, -60, 10, -60, -5, 70, 20, -60, -15, -15, -85, 65, -5, 5]
86 [ -60, 70, -5, -25, -25, -25, -30, -30, -35, 25, 25, -55, -20, -85, 65, 0, 10]
like this I had a file with 110 keypoint locations each key point is having 4 Areas attached to it.
I had fibre orienataion angle from manufacturer at different locations. I am using shell181 element for modelling composite.
The layup angles available from the manufacturer is even larger than that shown above (available at 110 locations). How should I define the orienation angle in SECTION definition of SHELL181 element in APDL?
Lets say for areas A1,A2,A3,A4 I had section layup with orientation angles corresponding to Keypoint number 59. Similarly for other areas I had section layup with different orintation angles.
I know how to do it manually . I am looking for "Is there any way of iterating or looping in APDL instead of manually defining 110 sections and entering orientation angle at each layup in the section definition" ?