I'm generating amorphous silica using LAMMPS and I would like to decrease the computation time. I'm currently using a melt/quench process with stages heat, heat sustain, cool, and cool sustain. I've considered decreasing the run time of these stages as well as decreasing the cutoff range and using the radial distribution function to check the accuracy. I'm also unsure the minimum acceptable size of the silica sample where these checks would be effective. There are many different parameters I could change, so doing these checks (especially if I control for only one each time) would also take a very long time. I haven't found much previous work on this topic. Is there literature on the relation between these parameters (e.g. run time for the stages, cutoff range) and the accuracy (i.e. how well the result models amorphous silica)? What recommendations would you have for checking this efficiently? Thanks!

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