If a crystal structure is composed of discrete units of ligand and metal only (and units are mediated through solvent molecules using hydrogen bonding), what is its dimensionality (Zero dimensional or one dimensional)?
Hi Nagapradeep! In my opinion, your compound should be called 0D (zero dimensional). The dimensionality would be 1, if your compound forms infinite chains, i.e., if there are covalent bonds between the units in one direction. Maybe this also helps you:
In my opinion, the dimentionality of the crystal structure is manifested in the diffraction pattern. If you see sharp Bragg reflections (spots) - your structure is 3D irrespective of the bonding you have. If you have rods of diffracted intensity, your structure looses correlations in one direction and therefore is a set of 2D objects (planes). Correspondingly, presence of planes of intensity indicates that correlations between structural units are lost in 2 directions and those units are 1D objects (chains).