OMNeT++ Discrete Event Simulation (C) 1992-2016 Andras Varga, OpenSim Ltd.

Version: 5.0, build: 160414-aa4629c, edition: Academic Public License -- NOT FOR COMMERCIAL USE

See the license for distribution terms and warranty disclaimer

Setting up Tkenv...

Loading NED files from .: 7

Loading images from D:\omnetpp-5.0-src-windows\omnetpp-5.0\images: *: 0 abstract/*: 90 background/*: 4 block/*: 320 device/*: 195 logo/*: 1 maps/*: 9 misc/*: 70 msg/*: 55 old/*: 111 status/*: 28

Plugin path: ./plugins

RUNTIME ERROR. A cRuntimeError exception is about to be thrown, and you

requested (by setting debug-on-errors=true in the ini file) that errors

abort execution and break into the debugger.

You should now probably be running the simulation under gdb or another

debugger. The simulation kernel will now raise a SIGINT signal which will

get you into the debugger. If you are not running under a debugger, you can

still use the core dump for post-mortem debugging. Once in the debugger,

view the call stack (in gdb: "bt" command) to see the context of the

runtime error.

Error in module (omnetpp::cModule) Network.node[418] (id=420) during network setup: Cannot create coroutine with 16384+49152 bytes of stack space for module `' -- see Manual for hints on how to increase the number of coroutines that can be created, or rewrite modules to use handleMessage() instead of activity().

TRAPPING on the exception above, due to a debug-on-errors=true configuration option. Is your debugger ready?

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