I recently downloaded several CMIP5 Hydrology projections for a certain latitude-longitude constrained area and have been trying to plot the hydrology variables against time. Each variable comes as a 4-dimensional matrix of latitude, longitude, time, and the actual variable (i.e. precipitation, evaporation, etc.). Plots can only be made of variables of the same dimension so the only plot I can make from the hydrology variables are histograms. When I isolate each variable using variable=ncread(file,'variable') it condenses time, lat, and long to single matrix but leaves the hydrology variable in the 4-D matrix. I even tried further condensing by isolating the hydrology variable conditionally:
variable = ncread(file,'variable', [1 1 1 1], [longmax, latmax, inf, inf], [1 1 1 1])
but all that succeeded in doing was condensing it down into a 2-D matrix which still can't be plotted against the single-dimension time variable. I'm new to MATLAB and don't have access to many other programs and have been banging my head against a wall on this for awhile, so any help would be appreciated. Thanks so much!