I already prepared Alpha nickel hydroxide now I want to cover or also we can say shell provide of the Beta phase of nickel hydroxide on alpha phase which is already prepared.
Dear Mr. Abrar Khan! It is difficalt to do! Beta and alfa form of nickel hydroxide have same crystall grid but Beta is Ni(OH)2 and Alfa is 3Ni(OH)2*2H2O (with crystalline water). That is why Beta Nickel Hydroxide must be formed and aged under higher tempereture. But Alfa nickel hydroxide is metastable and to became to Beta hydroxide at high temperature (especially in strong alkali solution)! In my opinion You can try to form the thin layer of Beta hydroxide directly from Alfa hydroxide by "Thermal Shock"! If you quickly heat alpha hydroxide particles in the strong alkali (6M KOH) and quickly stop the process (for example, pour the reaction mixture into a large volume of cold water), in the thinsurface layer of particles Alpha hydroxide can became to Beta Hydroxide. Time of "Thermal Shock" must be detect experimentally. In my opinion it may be 0.5-2 minute, but it's strong depend on particle size.