I have the *.m file for eeg data. I want to calculate the ERSP with ICA. When I load the eeg data with matlab code, I could not understand there are what kind of structure. Could you please teach me. I write code following.
EEG = struct('pnt',[],'nbchan',[],'trials',[],'srate',[],'data',[],'times',[]);
EEG.pnt = 8000;%number of samples
EEG.nchan = 12;% electrode channels
EEG.trials = 320;%total trials
EEG.srate = 1000;% sampling frequency?
EEG.data = ones(EEG.trials,EEG.nchan,EEG.pnt);% 320trials*12channels*8000samples
EEG.times = EEG.pnt/EEG.srate;%recording time 8[s]