Good day,
Currently I am trying to do energy analysis using Revit Architecture. I have to define which HVAC system is used in the residential building. In Revit the HVAC systems are given as follows by default:
1) 2-Pipe Fan Coil System, Chiller 5.96 COP, Boilers 84.5 eff
2) 4-Pipe Fan Coil System, Chiller 5.96 COP, Boilers 84.5 eff
3) 11 EER Packaged VAV, 84.5% boiler heating
4) 12 SEER/0.9 AFUE Split/Packaged Gas, 5-11 Ton
5) 12 SEER/7.7 HSPF Split Packaged Heat Pump
6) 12 SEER/8.3 HSPF Packaged Terminal Heat Pump (PTHP)
7) Central VAV, Electric Resistance Heat, Chiller 5.96 COP
8) Central VAV, HW Heat, Chiller 5.96 COP, Boilers 84.5 eff (default)
9) Residential 14 SEER/0.9 AFUE Split/Packaged Gas