Hi all,
I completed stepwise regression analysis on 3 creativity tests as predictors with the dependent variable being wellbeing score.
The prediction model was reached after 2 steps, first step included one of the creativity tests (which was significant predictor and predicted nearly 9% of the variance in wellbeing scores), the second step included the same greativity test and also age. Age only accounted for very small part of the explained variance (2.4%). Two other tests and gender were excluded from the model.
Now, in scientific literature, one of the two creativity tests that was excluded from the model should actually predict it. Participants on this test scored really low (because of specific conditions in which this test was taken), so I thought to further check it by dividing the scores in it to three different categories and then running one way ANOVA with estimates of effect size. Indeed, this time the differences in wellbeing scores among groups were sizable (eta squared 5.4%). Doint the same thing with the second test that was excluded from the stepwise model reached similar results. Then, I did the same for the one test that was included in the stepwise model-again it was significant and with the largest eta squared value (equal to the adjusted R squared value it had in the second step).
So I wonder what I should do now? testing all these variables together in MANOVA? Looking for main effects for each and then to look for interactions?
And what should I do with the stepwise regression that I already used?
Thanks in advance...
So I wonder what I should do know