We created an instrument/questionnaire and had clear expectations about the factor structure of this instrument (30 items, 5 factors). However, since the instrument has been completely new, we started with an exploratory factor analysis (N = +/- 300). The EFA showed a 4 or 5 factor structure but items loading differently than was expected. We aim to validate this instrument so it can be used in educational practice when it's finalized.

At this moment I am not sure how to continue after this EFA showing a different structure than expected. I think some items need to be deleted, two defenitely needs to be changed in terms of formulation (because formulation of the question was unclear for participants). But how does this practically work; remove items and do EFA again? One-by-one or all problematic items in once? Or should I use a different approach?

Thank you in advance.

How to continue after exploratory factor analyses for instrument validation?

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