Has anyone experience doing this? A couple of specific questions:
1) Is it possible to detect a spontaneous action potential (threshold search) and obtain the trigger (hardware ideally, but software possibly)? This trigger would be required for stimulating a variably delayed antidromic stimulation to detect collision
2) Is it possible to 'breakout' an amplified analog signal from a NeuroNexus probe (A32 header)? This could be feed (1 channel at a time) through a conventional setup (e.g. NeuroLog system of triggers, delays etc) to enable collision detection protocol.
3) Is it possible to visualize a post-stimulus time histogram (PSTH) in the open ephys gui? This would be useful for detecting the antidromic action potential (occurring at a consistent latency)
I'm pretty new to using the open ephys hardware and software, but very familiar with more traditional single-channel in vivo electrophys recording systems.