Hello everyone,

I used the Copenhagen Burnout Inventory to assess burnout among academics, and I was so confused about coding the participant's response in SPSS. While, searching I came across this statement: "The response options are recoded into scores of 100, 75, 50, 25, and 0.  Next, items within the subscale are averaged, with one item reverse scored.  Higher scores indicate a higher degree of burnout.  The possible score ranges for all scales is 0-100.  In one study investigators chose a score of 50 or higher to indicate burnout as a dichotomous variable.  In a separate study investigators chose scores of 25 or lower, 25 to 50, and higher than 50 to categorize low, intermediate and high burnout."

one section of the questionnaire composed of 6 questions that means a total score of 600. Shall I just divide the total score by 6 to get a score of max. 100? or when they said the cutoff is 50 they meant 50 percent?

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