Hello everyone,

I am working on IBM SPSS version 27.

For my study, all participants were asked to read different scenarios and then indicate their level of satisfaction, motivation, collaboration, and assistance for each scenario on a Likert scale ranging from 1 to 7.

I also controlled for age, gender, and professional situation.

The dependent variables are motivation, collaboration, help, and satisfaction.

The independent variables are the different scenarios and the control variables. I coded the scenario, gender, and professional situation variables as dummy variables.

The aim is to examine how the different scenarios impact the dependent variables, using the first scenario as a reference.

Initially, I conducted a Wilcoxon test, but to control for individual heterogeneity, I need to use a test that accounts for the Within Subject design.


  • My dependent variables are ordinal.
  • My design is Within Subject.
  • My independent variables are dummies ( categorical)

I tried to perform a Fixed Effect Test (Analyze > GLM > Repeated Measures), but I couldn't do it correctly. When specifying the Within-Subject Factor Name, I entered 'Scenario' and '7 levels' because I have 7 scenarios. However, for the next step I couldn't link each scenario with my dependent variable afterward.

I'm looking for a test on SPSS that accounts for the within-subject design, considers that my independent variables are categorical (dummy variables), expect for AGE (scale variable), and that my dependent variables are ordinal. Additionally, I need the test to allow me to control for individual heterogeneity.

Because my dependent variables are ordinal, I had considered the GLM with the "Ordinal Logistic" option (Analyze > Generalized Linear Model > then in "Type of Model" clicking on "Ordinal Logistic"), but I'm unsure if this test accounts for the Within Subject design. Do you have any suggestions?

Thank you.

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