Rutherford scattering is pure Coulobic interaction between the target and ion projectile. Elastic as well as inelastic scattering can also take place through compound nucleus formation. The cross section for such processes is governed differently based on nuclear reaction cross sections. Feed the correct cross sections in your software program to simulate RBS results.
I'm sorry to say that Lukas Alberts is wrong: the cross section (i.e. probability that a given backscattering event occurs) has nothing to do with the stopping power (characterising the energy lost by the impinging ion when travelling within a material).
Narendra is right, but can I simply add that the Rutherford cross section can be analytically calculated for any ion on any target (which is done by default in SIMNRA). This is not the case when we are talking about EBS (Elastic Backscattering Spectroscopy) or NRA (Nuclear Reaction Anlaysis) for which no theoretical model can predict the specific cross section for a given EBS or NRA reaction. In this case, we need some experimental measurements to determine the cross sections. Most of the experimental cross sections can be found on the IBANDL website:
If you look at this link you will be able to download the cross section as a *.R33 file that you can directly read and use in SIMNRA (but still, you will have to chose the specific cross section in the reaction list, available through the "reaction" button in the tool bar, since SIMNRA uses the Rutherford cross sections by default). I would also add that Prof. A. Gurbich is doing an amazing job for deriving the evaluated EBS cross sections from the experimental datasets available in the literature. These evaluated cross sections are generated by the so-called SigmaCalc code which is based on complex nuclear models (R-matrix treatment and optical model). When available, you can also download these evaluated EBS cross sections from the IBANDL website. And I would recommend to use them (when available) since they are a sort of average of the existing experimental datasets, making them less subject to systematic errors that may (and do) occur when experimental measurements are performed for a given cross section.
Nice facility that existsvnow Through IBANDL. Decades back we had to chose LSS software and other simulations to relate to our experimental data. Relative comparisons were good then but absolute values were horribly off.