10 October 2018 1 1K Report

Dear all,

I am facing problem in casting a web opening beam. The opening of the beam has been designed with some extra reinforcement around the opening due to which there is some congestion of reinforcement. So i am facing very difficulty in performing the casting from the top fiber of the beam (Vertical direction of the beam) as i am using normal concrete of M25. As if the casting is done from the top the concrete may not be homogeneous below the opening. In order to have a homogeneous distribution of concrete i have a second thought to cast the beam from the transverse direction as that will lead to a better compaction of concrete and an even distribution inside the stirrups..

I wanted to know if the casting is done from the transverse direction will it simulate the same behaviour like that of a beam which is always casted from the top.

Please help me with your sugesstion.....

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