I found a MATLAB routine, the code provided below, where numerical flux is calculated by using a method at the cell which share its face with a solid wall. And this numerical flux(H) is then used to solve the momentum equations(governing equations) in a finite volume method. Another different method is used to calculate the numerical fluxes of the other faces of the same cell that are share with another cells. But I can't figure out which method is applied in the former case. This code is written for a FVM for 2D inviscid supersonic flow. In this code, unL=contravariant velocity, qL=flow velocity. It will be convenient if you can explain me what is utL. I am totally unfamiliar with this term. It will be helpful for me as well if you can suggest me some methods for calculating flux at solid wall.
% The inputs are:
% UL: state vector in left cell (in the domain)
% n: normal pointing from boundary into the left cell
% gamma: Ratio of specific heats
% The outputs are:
% H: the flux into the left cell
% smax: the maximum propagation speed of disturbance
function [H, smax] = fluxWall(UL, n, gamma)
rL = UL(1); %density
uL = UL(2)/rL; % velocity in x-direction
vL = UL(3)/rL; % velocity in y-direction
unL = uL*n(1) + vL*n(2);
qL = sqrt(UL(2)^2 + UL(3)^2)/rL;
utL = sqrt(qL^2 - unL^2);
pL = (gamma-1)*(UL(4) - 0.5*rL*utL^2);
rHL = UL(4) + pL;
cL = sqrt(gamma*pL/rL);
smax = abs(unL) + cL;
H = zeros(size(UL));
H(2) = pL*n(1);
H(3) = pL*n(2);