I'm interested in developing a variety of footprints for the country of Croatia using Exiobase data in openLCA. Does anyone know if this is possible? SimaPro is probably better, but very expensive.
Life cycle assessment (LCA) and environmentally extended input output analysis (EEIOA) are two widely used approaches to assess the environmental impacts of products and services with the aim of providing decision support. A sector that is particularly well covered in both databases is the power sector. Interestingly, CFs related to fossil-based electricity is much more comparable than CFs for renewable and nuclear electricity. This indicates that there is large agreement whenever there are important direct GHG emissions and where capital infrastructure and supply chain GHG emissions play a smaller role. However, even for fossil-based electricity generation, there are considerable CF differences for specific technologies. The largest spread is observed in the mining sector, which is not surprising as products range from low-CF materials, for example, sand, to high-CF materials, for example, gold. Product groups in EXIOBASE, such as other non-ferrous metal ores and concentrates, may contain very different materials, and even seemingly narrow-enough product groups, such as Precious metals, still contain products with widely different CFs, for example, gold versus silver. The comparison of the convent and EXIOBASE databases shows that there is still considerable disagreement in carbon footprint.