24 July 2020 7 2K Report

Dear All

IF was used to be calculated by some formulae like below.

See for below journal when I calculated the Impact factor it was 27.34 but in reality is it around 2.0 So what is going any body knows?

IF 2020 = (2371 + 2226) / (88 + 78) = 27.69 (which is wrong)


So below method is not correct or has something missing.

The 2013 impact factor of a journal would be calculated as follows:

2013 impact factor = A/B.


A = the number of times that all items published in that journal in 2011 and 2012 were cited by indexed publications during 2013.

B = the total number of "citable items" published by that journal in 2011 and 2012. ("Citable items" for this calculation are usually articles, reviews, proceedings, or notes; not editorials or letters to the editor).

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