Try using a simple method called "Isopropyl Alchol Method".
You simply add 1ml of oil with 10ml of IP Alcohol and few drops of phenolphthalein indicator. Titrate this mixture against 0.1N KOH until pale pink color last longing for 10 sec appears. Note down that as your end point and That's your acid value.
Its very simple and more reliable. This method helps in giving you your oil's acid value directly and FFA through a simple relation.
Dr Nawab Sher Anita Goyal According to the definition[1] of FFA%, It is the mass percentage of Oliec acid [mg] in Oil [g]. So, If we find the mass of Oleic acid (from molar balance) by (V -b) X N X 282 (as detailed by Bineesh C Mathew ), it will be in gram. For this amount to be in mg, we need to divide this factor by 1000. And with the 100 of percentage multiplied, in the final expression we left with FFA% = ((V -b) X N X 282/10)/W
[1] The Lipid Handbook with CD-ROM By Frank D. Gunstone, John L. Harwood, Albert J. Dijkstra (page 423)
Sir, this formula assumes that the main constituent of your fatty acid is is Oleic Acid which has the molecular mass of 282.4 g/mole, however, usually your fatty acid is a mixture of different acids, and AOCS have different formulas for different basis of the fatty acids.
What you might want to do is to have a rough estimated or analytical data for what is called fatty acid profile, which gives the fraction of each one of the acids that constitute your fatty acid.
then you can calculate the average molecular weight based on the fractions of each constituent and its own molecular weight and divide it by 10 and plug it instead of 28.24 that you have in your formula.
most of the times, it is hard to get the fatty acid profile, then you might estimate that based on the main constituent of the fatty acid, as AOCS do, for example, if your fatty acid is palmitic based, you would choose 25.6 instead, and so on. those estimations might give you very unlikely acidity and far from reality in comparison with precise analytical method.
Try using a simple method called "Isopropyl Alchol Method". You simply add 1ml of oil with 10ml of IP Alcohol and few drops of phenolphthalein indicator. Titrate this mixture against 0.1N NaOH until pale pink color last longing for 10 sec appears. Note down that as your end point and That's your acid value.