Hi All

I amd doing LES on flow around cylinder ~ Re 30000. My objective is to obtain coherence function from surface pressure fluctuations taken along the span of cylinder. As per theory, coherence value =1 for vortex shedding frequency and it decreases rapidly from 1 for other frequencies. From my simulations, I am getting Cd, Cl, Cp distribution etc. very well as of the available literature. But I am not able to get spatial coherence length correctly. Across the span length of cylinder, i monitored static pressure and used 'mscohere' function in matlab to get coherence values. I am not getting sharp reduction in coherence for other frequencies.

I am using Ansys Fluent for the simulations. using 'mscohere' in matlab for coherence calculation. Various points are monitored along the span length of cylinder and 'mscohere' is used.

Any sort of guidance is highly appreciated.

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