
I am creating a FAME mix (70 FA) with various fatty acids. But I am having difficulties to efficiently separate two fatty acids. C17 anteiso and C16:4n1 are coeluting (peak with a slight shoulder). I know their retention because I also injected pure standards of these fatty acids.

They elute around 32 minutes nearly at the end of the first plateau.

My setup is:

· GCFID-Model : TraceGC Ultra 100, Thermoscientific

· Column: DB-23, Agilent Technologies, Canada

· Dimensions: 120m x 0.25mm x 0.15µm

· Ramp protocol :

§ Initial : 80°C, hold 1min

§ Ramp 1 : from 80 to 140°C, rate : 30°C/min, hold 0min

§ Ramp 2 : from 140 to 200°C, rate : 3.5°C/min, hold 15min

§ Ramp 3 : from 200 to 215°C, rate : 0.5°C/min, hold 0min

§ Ramp 4 : from 215 to 225°C, rate : 20°C/min, hold 15min

· Carrier gas : Helium, Ultra high purity (Helium UN1046)

· Column flow : Constant flow

· Injection Volume : 2µl

· Washing solution : Toluene, methanol, chloroform, hexane, in this order (2 x after each injection)

· Inlet : Split mode

§ 230°C

§ Split flow : 11 ml/min

§ Split ratio : 7

· Detector : FID

§ 280°C

§ Air flow : 450 ml/min

§ Hydrogen flow : 40 ml/min

§ Makeup Flow : 30 ml/min

· Run time : 80.64 min

The first plateau helped me to efficiently separate fatty acids in the C18:1n etc area which was difficult in the beginning.

Does anyone have an idea on how to better separate the two peaks I am talking about?

Thanks in advance

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