I have created FCC crystal using lammps:
variable xbox equal 6
variable ybox equal 40
variable zbox equal 36
variable a equal ${LATTCONST}
variable dx equal sqrt(6.0)/2.0
variable dy equal sqrt(2.0)/2.0
variable dz equal sqrt(3.0)
variable xlength equal ${xbox}*${dx}*$a
variable ylength equal ${ybox}*${dy}*$a
variable zlength equal ${zbox}*${dz}*$a
variable BottomLo equal 0.0
variable BottomHi equal 2.99*${dz}*$a # >2*r_cutoff
variable TopLo equal (${zbox}-3.01)*${dz}*$a
variable TopHi equal ${zbox}*${dz}*$a
# --------------- general settings ----------------------------------------------------------
dimension 3
boundary p p f
units metal
atom_style atomic
# ---------------------- creating FCC lattice ----------------------------------------------
lattice fcc ${a} orient x 1 1 -2 orient y 1 -1 0 orient z -1 -1 -1 spacing ${dx} ${dy} ${dz} origin 0.0 0.0 0.0
region whole block 0.000000 ${xlength} 0.000000 ${ylength} 0.0 ${zlength} units box
create_box 1 whole
create_atoms 1 whole
# ---------------- EAM potential ----------------------------------------
pair_style eam/alloy
pair_coeff * * FeNiCrCoCu-heafixed.setfl Ni Ni
neighbor 2.0 bin
neigh_modify delay 5
# ----------- Divide the crystal into 3 regions ---------------------------------------
region Fixed block INF INF INF INF INF ${BottomHi} units box
region Mobile block INF INF INF INF ${TopLo} INF units box
group fixedatoms region Fixed
group mobileatoms region Mobile
group sample subtract all fixedatoms mobileatoms
||___MOBILE ATOMS __||
||____FIXED ATOMS___||
I want to apply about shear stress on MOBILE ATOMS by using either of 2 conditions (i) constant stress (ii) constant strain conditions