How the bandwidth of optical camera communications (OCC) can be measured in terms of no of LEDs, camera frame rate, date rate of the system? Is there any relation between them? What can be the parameters to calculate the bandwidth OCC system?
In my knowledge, camera can only receive the IR and visible frequencies. Also, BW of optical camera communication depends on camera parameters. While communicating between LED camera it can successfully do it job with modulation frequency ranges between 200 - 6000 HZ.
Hi, we briefly analyzed the communication capacity of an OCC system in this paper, Article CeilingTalk: Lightweight Indoor Broadcast Through LED-Camera...
The camera can be seen as an oscilloscope. Assuming the camera works in rolling shutter moder and the resolution of each frame is Row x Column. so the maximum sampling rate can be calculated as Fs = Frame rate * Row number. According to the Nyquist sampling theorem, the maximum bandwidth is Fs/2 theoretically. Thus, it is directly related to the frame rate and the row scanning speed.