All of are using whats-app, it is probably the most used app by users in the world. WhatsApp is not just a mobile application. It has impacted telecom companies a lot. I have explained in my below research paper. telecom companies have lost billions because of whats-app free messaging and call features (Video & Audio)

Article Impact of Over-the-Top (OTT) Services on the Telecom Compani...

now the question is How telecom companies and Mobile applications like whats-app can compete with Whats-app?

Probably by answering why whats-app is successful, we can find an alternative way.whats-app Is owned by Facebook. Whats-app worth is estimated $19 billion. You must be wondering why 19 billion? Well, the reason is that Facebook uses whats-app data for advertising services on whats-app. Although whats-app is facing many law-suits in Europe and India because of sharing whats-app data with Facebook applications, yet it has been successful and provided the ad-free service to customers since 2009.

As per the whats-app latest blog, now whats app is also looking for new revenue streams like whats app has introduced one whats-app for businesses. Whats-app for business is also free, but if one company does not answer the customer question in 24hours, then WhatsApp charges from the company.

One solution can be providing extra services like VEON, We-chat did. We-chat is thriving in China because the government has blocked the whats-app. While Veon has poorly failed in Pakistan. We-chat has additional services of payment in the app compared to WhatsApp. VEON tried something in Pakistan, but it could not convince users to use.

Applications like Zapbuddy, VEON, We-chat can operate in smaller segments or maybe cities, but it is difficult for them to compete with whats-app globally.

The biggest issue of applications is monitzation (earning revenue, profile from service). For monetization companies mostly use ads but if the top company is providing ad fewer services then why people will use other apps with the same service?

I would like to have your viewpoint on it how other mobile applications can compete with WhatsApp?

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