People would do it all the time. The reason they don't is that there are many obstacles that can make major life changes difficult. How can I start “life plan” although here I face a lot of problems?
Have faith and confidence in yourself. Work towards a goal with a lot of determination and sincerity. You will definitely soar great heights and set a good example for others.
Start with a clean slate. Be kind to yourself when you think of things in the past (job) that you could have done better. Dwell on your strengths and assign each strength to the requirements of the new job. This will provide the person confidence to embark on a new job or career. Personally I have many changes in my life. Starting out as an engineer in the industry, I moved over to counseling and then to teaching and social sciences research. I don't regret any of the moves and I have only enriched myself by the diversity of things I have learned along the way as well as meeting people.
The wise man who wants to start his life anew must forget the tragedies and the difficult challenges and erase them from his/her memory, and resolve not to think about them again, retrieving negatives from memory obstructs human life and confuses and weakens energy. The human being, while forgetting his/her works to impart a wonderful positive spirit in the soul of man to push him/her to start his/her life again with vigor and determination. Nice topic Parisa Ziarati
To me it is difficult to start a new life, but I encourage my students to do that by asking them to have the diligence, perseverance, sincerity and team work with their peers.
One does not change in his devotion to his work and the will to achieve the impossible, but his hopes are renewed, A change in the workplace can be a motivation for the emergence of one's true and creative energies and achievement of miracles, and stability in one place can lead to routine work.
توسط همکاران و مدیر خود مورد علاقه و قدردانی قرار بگیرید
به اهداف خود برسید و فراتر بروید
داشتن شغل
کارهای معنادار و سرگرم کننده انجام دهید
از استرس و فرسودگی خودداری کنید
نقاط کور خود را بشناسید و برطرف کنید.
فرقی نمی کند در چه زمینه ای کار می کنید.
کسی که دیگران را می شناسد ، عاقل است و خود را روشنگر می داند.
خود را خوب بشناس.
ارزیابی کنید که با چه کسی تعامل دارید: فقط ارزیابی های سالانه را انجام ندهید و از کسانی که به آنها اعتماد دارید سؤال کنید.
نقاط قوت من چیست؟ برای پیشرفت خودم در کدام جنبه ها نیاز دارم؟
آیا چیزی وجود دارد که شخصیت شما را آزار دهد؟ یا روش ارتباط من؟
اگر یک چیز وجود دارد که باید یاد بگیرم یا بهتر انجام دهم ، چیست؟
از نقاط قوت و ضعف خود استفاده کنید.
موفقیت با پیشرفت نقاط قوت ما حاصل می شود ، نه با حذف نقاط ضعف.
بر نقاط قوت خود بنا کنید و نقاط ضعف خود را به تدریج کاهش دهید.
از ابزارهای ارزیابی برای کمک به شما در مرتب کردن نقاط قوت خصوصیات شخصی مانند هریسون امتیاز ، ماشین هوگان ، ارزیابی DISC و دستگاه شناسایی استاندارد MBTI استفاده کنید.
اگر صادقانه اعتقاد دارید از نقاط قوت شما در نقش دیگری استفاده می شود ، برنامه ریزی کنید تا به شغل دیگری بروید ، اما این ممکن است منجر به بازگشت به مدرسه یا حرکت به سمت شغلی شود که از پایین راک شروع می شود و این گزینه های ساده ای نیست.
It is difficult to leave the road, into the unknown.
To start a new life is first of all to admit that the previous choice was made incorrectly. In addition to personal "cockroaches in the head," public opinion hinders this. It is believed that by 25, a maximum of 30 age old people should make the choice of profession and path. It is especially difficult for men to change their lives: by the age of 40 (and somebody much earlier) they begin to consider themselves the “leader of the tribe” and take themselves too seriously. I call this age "the age of the baboon". Modern youth are less dependent on "traditions", etc. (especially women). I know several children who have study at universities till the age of 40 (and it is not noticeable that they were ready to stop this life). But even in "my" time there were such people. Once upon a time I was a guest at the selebration of fifteen years aniversary of university studies of a friend of mine ... Yes, and I myself ...
There is another option that seems more productive to me - to change the place of work without changing the profession. In principle, it can be useful - new people, new approaches and methods ...
Start with honesty,do hard work,co-operate everyone,be polite,be ethocal,create positive energy in working area, try to learn things related to your job and excel in it