I am doing an experiment where I am adding RNA to Promega's TnT Quick Coupled System (rabbit reticulocyte lysate) and then performing phenol/chloroform extraction. I started with a final concentration of ~300 ng/µl of RNA in RRL (1 µl RNA in 5µl final volume), extracted in 295 µl water + 300 µl acid phenol, ethanol precipitation in 3x volume of ethanol (900 µl), and then resuspension in 10 µl water.

I ran this on a 4% denaturing PAGE and got either extremely weak or no bands. Additionally, I should point out that I had 2 controls that were not in RRL that showed similar bands to the RRL. When I redid the experiment I added a condition where I doubled the concentration of RNA and saw a strong band in this lane and the same weak or no bands in the other lanes.

I searched the literature quite a bit and could not find much information on concentrations that should be used? Does anyone have information on what the minimum thresholds should be for concentrations of RNA in phenol chloroform extraction?

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