This developed turbulent flow codes is a finite element computer model, written in FORTRAN which was developed to solve the Reynolds equations of motion and continuity for steady and fully developed mean turbulent flow. The Finite Element mathematical treatment of this matter is reported in the following Ph.D. reference at CSU, Fort Collins, Co, the USA (please the link to this dissertation is Later on this code was extended to three dimensional and unsteady flows. The turbulent stresses appearing in the Reynolds equations are modeled in terms of mean velocity nonlinear gradients and turbulent viscosity. The non-linear algebraic stress model used in closed channels is totally different from the one used in open channels with new algebraic open surface proximity functions. A two equation turbulence model consisting of the turbulent kinetic energy (K), and its rate of dissipation (ε) evaluates the turbulent viscosity that appears in the algebraic stress models.

For wall bounded flows especially at corners (such as at an airplane's body to wing), my code succeeded in an excellent manner in simulating the main velocity, secondary velocities and turbulence structure (turbulent viscosity, K, and ε). In addition, distributions of the non-gravitational pressure and turbulent stresses are well predicted too. You may contact me for samples of the results of simulating turbulent flow in a square duct. Along the corner bisector the maximum secondary velocity divided by the average shear velocity is calculated as 0.31 which is in agreement with experimental data of Brundrett & Baines (1964) of about 0.32. For the wall bisector a value of 0.21 is predicted versus a measured value of 0.20 by Gessner and Emery 1980. Bulging of the velocity contours toward the corner is well predicted which is important in reducing separation due to adverse longitudinal pressure gradients. No up-winding or (over/under) relaxation are used. Non-linear Newton–Raphson that has quadratic convergence is used for dealing with the system of nonlinear equations. The boundary shear stress is calculated and is shown to be affected by the secondary velocities.

- For open channel flows: a very distinct feature in my nonlinear k-ε model is the use of an-isotropic turbulent viscosity in which the turbulent viscosity in the vertical direction differs from that in the lateral direction, a feature not existing in any existing CFD code to my knowledge. The model succeeded in predicting the depression in the main velocity maximum to be at 0.6 from the bed in a channel with aspect ratio of 1:2. The secondary velocity structure is also well predicted . Another important feature is prediction of the cellular secondary cells due to periodic roughness changes along the bed or walls. This helps in investigation of flow over ribbed surfaces.

Now How much does the source code for this turbulent flow CFD code worth in US $?

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