We conducted a study which aims to evaluate the influence of host genetic factors associated with cytokine responses on the clinical manifestation of Buruli ulcer disease and to investigate familial clustering.

The main objective is to investigate gene polymorphisms of the type Th-1 cytokine cascade (IL-12 p40, IL-12R β1, IFN-y R1, IFN-y R2 and STAT 1) by sequence analysis of DNA.

We know that for a one gene like IL-12p40, there are many exons and introns where located several SNP and or mutations. How do we analyse those sequences of gene? Exone by exon? Intron by intron? Or we have possibility to choose some exons and introns and how do it?

I need help with the approach method to investigate polymorphism in gene, the study design, sampling, statistical analysis to find association.

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