04 April 2014 6 1K Report

Amateur marathon lovers who do not have the luxury of doing all kinds of exercises during day time will not have enough blood going to their brains and other internal organs including skin and bones when they train themselves for endurance. They hope that when they exercise non-stop, blood will be circulated to all their body cells. That is not true, blood only goes to their muscles. Thus, if a person does a marathon run every quarter, I expect that bone loss will start in a few years time but brain damage can happen much sooner. One more question - can the following exercise (called the 30-time start-stop interval training for internal organs) reverse brain damage and osteoporosis? The main criterion of this start-stop exercise is that you have to stop your exercise(s) 30 times in a day so that you can send more blood to your organs for a while every time when you stop moving. Please comment.

Article The 30-Time Start-Stop Interval Training For Internal Organs...

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