Listening is backbone of not only language learning but also of knowledge acquisition. However, it is not a a proper place in classroom. Has anyone done research on listening skill.
I don' t think so. At least where I work, nobody worries about it. I belive as an English teacher that learning how to listen is basically the beginning of EFL teaching/learning process .
The research in this area is significantly out dated. I am currently doing research to find the answer to this question. The studies I have found that address this question are from 1990,1992,1994. All of the research has small sample sizes and the results at those times showed listening was not very prevalent as a course offered. Most listening was taught as a unit in another course. Mostly listening instruction is found in Speech Communication courses. The time spent with listening was between three and five hours.
Perkins, T. M. (1994). A survey of listening instruction in the basic speech course. International Journal of Listening, 8(1), 80-97. doi: 10.1080/10904018.1994.10499132
Wolvin, A. D., Coakley C. G., &. Disburg, J. E. (1992). Listening instruction in selected colleges and universities. International Listening Association Journal. 6:1, 59-65 doi:10.1080/10904018.1992.10499108
Wolvin, A. D., Coakley C. G., &. Disburg, J. E. (1990). The status of listening instruction in American colleges and universities. International Listening Association Journal.
First of all mother is telling all the time listen carefully,who listens.Is mother taken seriously.This message is not properly handled ever after.Listening skills are major part of any language training.Now learning foreign languages, the most important skill is listening.Listening skills should be assessed separately and passing with 75% score should be the pass mark .Things will change.I have no idea if NCERT have any research data on this subject.
I agree with Pallavi Kaushal. Listening as a receptive skill plays a vital role in overall personality development, as it may be in the form of language learning, updating knowledge or improving communication skills. In our institute we take practical sessions to improve listening skill. With the help of technology we can take activities related to listening.
Data from as recent as 2012-2013 reveal that there were 181 undergraduate courses in listening offered at American 4 year educational institutions [135 were 4 year institutions; 46 at two-year institutions]. These numbers are up from last year, when there were just 157 undergraduate courses in listening. This is a 15% increase in a year. Especially, when you take into consideration that there are 7,711 universities, Community College’s and technical colleges in the United States [Source: Paul Carty, Director of Publishing Partnerships; Kendall Hunt Publishing Company, email: Jan 23, 2014].