Dear all,

I've made some metal oxide-coated nanomaterials for biological applications and met several problems.

Well known commercial silanes were used in order to activate the surface of nanomaterials with -NH2 or -PEG. Then I dispersed them into D.W. water and other aqueous buffer solutions, each. (Thanks to the PEGylation, the nanoparticles were successfully dispersed in high conc. buffer solutions, right after the synthesis.)

It's been a month I made them, and now I figured out that the nanoparticles dispersed in D.W. waters are not stable in buffer solutions at all. 

I doubt that the surface amine and PEG molecules were dettached in D.W. water, but were not in the PBS solution. Or regardless of the dispersion medium, every functional groups at surface were dissociated.

Thanks for read and please tell me your opinions and advices.


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