18 January 2019 16 3K Report

As we all know that Langmuir adsorption isotherm is plotted by Ce/Qe Vs Ce and also some time 1/Qe Vs 1/Ce. (where “Qe” is the quantity of the adsorbed adsorbate at the time of equilibrium and “Ce” is the concentration of adsorbate remained at the time of equilibrium). what is the difference between these two? Also Freundlich adsorption isotherm is plotted as Log Qe Vs Log Ce.

Now when we apply function Log to Qe and Ce, we get plot of Freundlich and when we take reciprocal of both Qe and Ce (1/Qe and 1/Ce), then we get plot of Langmuir isotherm. so how does these two thing makes it different.

As in one case reciprocal of Qe and Ce is taken and in other case Log is applied, so how we expect linearity of spectra to be different ?

(You can take some random data, say one as Qe and other as Ce, then in one case apply reciprocal to both and in other apply Log to both. now plot both separately and compare the shape (linear or non linear), isn't it the same ?

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