Acridine Orange intercalates into nicked or damaged DNA and will foluresce "Red" on 488 blue laser. Undamaged DNA or sperm cells with correctly packaged DNA will resist intercalation and the compound flouresces "green". In this way the ratio of red to green can be calculated as the DNA fragmentation index (DFI). I use AO from sigma aldrich (SIAL) or bioscience also have it. Important to use very high purity and concentration of stock solution should be 1mg/ml. maintain AO powder at -20.
From experience, AO didn't work too well in ram and stallion spermatozoa. Also, if you're hoping to use FACS be warned that the AO stain seems to leave behind fluorescence in the machine for weeks after you have ran the sample through it. I've used TUNEL - more expensive but much more specific and the controls always worked as expected. I also found that the TUNEL stain from Roche could be diluted down so that you can use a dilution rate of 1 in 2 for the enzyme. Good Luck!
You may wash and prepare a final concentration of spermatozoa 30x106 cells/ml. You fix X 4 hours smears of spermatozoa with Carnoy’s solution (3 methanol: 1 crystalloid acetic acid) which must be prepared the day of the experiment (Tejada et al. 1984). After fixation, you stain the smears of spermatozoa with a solution of acridine orange (A6014) and evaluate under fluorescence microscope. You have to assess at least two hundred spermatozoa per slide in ten different optical areas for determination of percentage of spermatozoa with denaturated DNA.
Acridine Orange intercalates into nicked or damaged DNA and will foluresce "Red" on 488 blue laser. Undamaged DNA or sperm cells with correctly packaged DNA will resist intercalation and the compound flouresces "green". In this way the ratio of red to green can be calculated as the DNA fragmentation index (DFI). I use AO from sigma aldrich (SIAL) or bioscience also have it. Important to use very high purity and concentration of stock solution should be 1mg/ml. maintain AO powder at -20.