In many institutions and universities, there are written, and many times unwritten rules regarding the Impact Factor of the journals that the scientists should submit their manuscripts. I have heard many times, that a good job should not be submitted to journals with impact factors bellow 3, or 4, or 2, or 6… I mean, everybody has their opinion. But considering that different fields have different impact factors, why do the Institutions have these “rules”. In 2011, in the Cancer field, the top IF for a journal was 101 and 37.5 for the second one. But in the field of anesthesiology, the highest IF in the same year were 5.7 and 5.3 for the two top journals. If your field is oral surgery and dentistry, then the top journals have IF of 3.9 and 3.5. All these examples are in the field of medicine, but similar things happen in all the fields. So, should we push harder to stop the institutions and Universities using the Impact Factor as criteria to evaluate our work? Should we follow the Impact Factor criteria and try to publish in the top journal of our field? What we should do?

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