Article Preliminary evaluation of the energy-saving behavior of a no...

Dear Mr. Gang Pei,

I just read your paper titled "Preliminary evaluation of the energy-saving behaviour of a novel household refrigerator"

and I am very confused, because in Your refrigerator the loop heat pipe should work in the wrong direction. You suppose, that the heat pipe takes up heat, which comes through the wall and transfers it from the freezer, with temperature -25°C, to the fresh food compartment with +5°C and the vapor should condensate inside the evaporator. I would suppose, that the heat coming through the wall will evaporate the liquid inside the heat pipe. The vapor will rise up in the tube and will condensate in the upper part of the freezer compartment. Heat taken up in the evaporator in the fresh food compartment will do it the same way. So you will transfer heat from the temperature level +5°C to the lower temperature -25°C. To take the additional heat out of the refrigerator/Freezer the compressor has to suck more vapor and compress it to the condensation pressure. This will increase the amount of work needed to cool your freezer.

Please explain me how this can work to increase the efficiency?

With kind regards, Gerhard Herres

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