Impact of chemical stratification of various chemical parameters in the lake water like phosphates, nitrates, chloride, DO, hardness etc. as well as with temperature and turbidity.
Some references relevant to chemical stratification
Yu, Hui ; Tsuno, Hiroshi ; Hidaka, Taira ; Jiao, Chunmeng. 2010. Chemical and thermal stratification in lakes . Limnology. 11(3): 251-257
Yin, Hongbin ; Koster, Jean N. 2003. Chemical stratification and solidification in a differentially heated melt .Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 352 (1): 197-209
Angino, E E ; Armitage, K B ; Tash, J C. 1962. Chemical Stratification in Lake Fryxell, Victoria Land, Antarctica .Science (New York, N.Y.), 138 (3536): 34-6
Bowling, Lee; Tyler, Peter. 1990. Chemical stratification and partial meromixis in reservoirs in Tasmania . Hydrobiologia. 194 (1): 67-83.
Degermendzhy, Andrey G. ; Zadereev, Egor S. ; Rogozin, Denis Yu. ; Prokopkin, Igor G. ; Barkhatov, Yuri V. ; Tolomeev, Alexander P. ; Khromechek, Elena B. ; Janse, Jan H. ; Mooij, Wolf M. ; Gulati, Ramesh D. 2010. Vertical stratification of physical, chemical and biological components in two saline lakes Shira and Shunet (South Siberia, Russia) .Aquatic Ecology. 44(3), 619 (14)