Hello Henry. You've not said whether you want to use the observed Min and Max values in your data, or the theoretically possible Min and Max values, if there are such things. E.g., if your variables are 5-point Likert-type items, the theoretically possible Min and Max values are 1 and 5. But the observed Min might be > 1 and the observed Max < 5. If you want to use the observed Min and Max values, you can get them via the AGGREGATE command. See the toy example below. HTH.
Go to "Transform" in the top menu. Select "Compute Variable." Then. In the "Target Variable" box, enter a new name for your normalized variable, such as "Var1_Normalized." N]Thereafter, Replace "Var1" with the actual variable name. Repeat this process for each variable, changing the variable name accordingly. In the "Numeric Expression" box, enter the formula for normalization: scssCopy code(Var1 - MIN(Var1, Var2, Var3, Var4, Var5)) / (MAX(Var1, Var2, Var3, Var4, Var5) - MIN(Var1, Var2, Var3, Var4, Var5)) and click Ok. Repeat steps 3-5 for the remaining variables (Var2 to Var5), creating new normalized variables for each. You're welcome sir.
Tolulope Gbayisomore, the MIN and MAX functions you are using return the MIN and MAX values across variables within each row. I may be wrong, but I think Henry Okuchukwu Ebili wants to use the MIN and MAX across rows within each variable. I added your computation to the ones I posted earlier to compare the results. See below.
* Tolulope Gbayisomore's suggestion.
v = v1 to v5 /
TG = TG1 to TG5.
COMPUTE TG = (v - MIN(v1 to v5)) / (MAX(v1 to v5) - MIN(v1 to v5)).
Yes, you are right, Bruce Weaver. I want to perform the min-max normalization within each of the variables, separately. Not across the variables. I could easily do it in Excel spreadsheet, and transfer the data back to SPSS; but I want to reduce the process of moving from one software to another, if I can help it.