The Horizontal gene transfer actually occurs through transformation, transduction, conjugation and other gene transfer agents in bacteria. It is an important mechanism in the evolution of organisms.
The Horizontal gene transfer actually occurs through transformation, transduction, conjugation and other gene transfer agents in bacteria. It is an important mechanism in the evolution of organisms.
As other DNA besides transposable elements and genes can be horizontally transfered, it is best to call it 'horizontal DNA transfer' , or HDT.
HDT is essential for the longer term survival of most TEs (Transposable elements), and is also known to occur with other DNA, and may be surprisingly common in eukaryotes. (It is of course common in prokaryotes)
Obviously, viruses (retroviruses first of all) contribute significantly to the horisontal DNA/RNA transfer. Perhaps, this mechanism could explain such a phenomenon: "the longer 2 or more people intercourse with each other, the more common traits (similarities) they have" )