In my rural (needs definition) area of residence there was/is plenty of rural and peri-urban brown-fields in two categories. Abandoned open cast mining (turf excavation) on public (former communal) land and abandoned factories (textiles for export). The excavated lands have been converted/redeveloped in private farm and forest as well as living peat for biodiversity/nature conservation and recreation/tourism. Most factories, on private land, have been redeveloped over the decades for urban purposes by municipalities. A few more rural textile factories are still standing today on their brown fields to be developed. In the latter case, the private or public capital required for redevelopment is not forthcoming or the investors and the land use zoning authorities cannot agree.
Your conceptualisation may benefit from concrete definitions of land ownership, zoning competences and communities.
Rural Brownfield can be understand with the help of different perspective like, locality, residence, living standers, moods of earing, cultivation strategies, adoptation modernized tehnologies. which can be changed with the passage of time
Taking into account the recovery of the unused area (which is not a factory with job for the local community due to rural areas) for environmental purposes - perhaps higher air quality affecting, for example, the tourist assets of the rural area, as well as the possibility of producing higher quality agricultural products and, consequently, higher prices sales and perhaps in the long term even cash for investment and development purposes.